Winnipauk Village Pool Rules & Regulations
- Pool use if restricted to resident and authorized guests. Therefore, it is the responsibility of each resident to personally confront suspected trespassers or to report known trespassing to the Norwalk police.
- Guests in pool areas are limited to four (4) at a time, including children, and must be accompanied by a resident 14 year of age or older. Please be considerate of the demand at premium times on these facilities by residents.
- Children under fourteen (14) must be accompanied by an adult.
- Infants who are not toilet trained may not enter the pool without waterproof diaper covers.
- Use of the children's pool is restricted to youngsters under eight (8) years old.
- Pets are prohibited in the pool areas.
- Use of alcoholic beverages is prohibited in all common areas.
- Glass containers are not permitted in any pool area.
- Proper swimming attire must be worn at all times. No cut-off jeans permitted.
- Hair and suntan oil contaminate pool filters, so long hair mist be tied down and body oil must be washed or wiped off before entering the pools.
- Running and rough play are prohibited in pool areas.
- Rafts, floating toys, etc., are to be used with discretion so as not to interfere with the enjoyment of others.
- Upon leaving a pool area, users are responsible for the proper disposal of all debris (including cigarette butts) and the neat realignment of pool chairs.
- Pool furniture may not be reserved. It is available on a first-come, first-served basis only.
- No food is allowed.